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Collecting Seeds

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Don't miss the window for this powerful networking hack

advice job search Jan 10, 2024

I know every other post online right now is #NEWYEARNEWYOU focused and we're just getting to that threshold where it starts being weird to begin every call with "Happy New Year!"

BUT, I don't want you to miss out on the number 1 advice I give every client at the start of the year...

Use this moment as an opportunity to reconnect. 

Whether you're a job seeker, business owner, or totally content in your career and life right now, it's important to remember that your network isn't some amorphous distant's made up of real people and hopefully, real relationships that require care.

It takes a few steps, but I promise it's worth it. 

First, set up a free Calendly or other calendar booking link for yourself connected to your calendar. Set aside whatever time you'd like to catch up calls. It can be a couple of hours each week or if you have more capacity and feel energized by it, perhaps you have a whole day set aside or multiple days!

Second, make a list of the people you want to catch up with. Think of former colleagues, friends, people you've chatted with on Linkedin but never officially set up a call with...

Most importantly, make sure it's all people you genuinely like and would feel happy to see on your calendar! Aim for at least 20 people.

Third, write that email. I've included a template to reduce the barrier to making this happen. Be intentional if there's someone on the list who you need to email directly vs including them in a group message and DON'T FORGET TO BCC EVERYONE if you send this as a group email.

Some things you might include:

  • 3 high-level bullet points about what your last year was like
  • a specific ask for help (for example, if you're job searching, let people know exactly what you're looking for)
  • a specific offer of ways you'd like to help others
  • Upcoming events/workshops you're offering with your organization or business

I challenge you to do this and hit send by January 15th! Do you accept?

P.S. You can also use this at any moment of transition - got laid off? USE IT! Celebrating your birthday? USE IT! Celebrating a big milestone in your career or personal life? USE IT!

My super-powered New Year reconnection template:

Happy New Year! 

At the start of the year, I love reconnecting with friends, colleagues, and wonderful people I've met over the years.

I would love to learn what you’ve been up to and offer my support with introductions, ideas, or resource connections...or just have a nice chat. 

As a quick summary, here are a few of my highlights from 2023:
  • highlight 1: something I did that was brave
  • highlight 2: something a bit personal (like a trip I took with family, health update, favorite book I read, etc)
  • highlight 3: something I learned about/studied

This year, I'm looking forward to...(can be professional or personal).

[call to action] I'm also running X event/exploring my next professional move looking to...

Here’s my calendar booking link to help us find some time to catch up:

Best wishes,
