In case you missed this offer + Plan with purpose {part 5: Visualize the future to make your goals come true}
Feb 08, 2021
Today, I'll be sharing part 5 of the Planning with Purpose series, weekly bite-size tools to help you get going with your healing, impact, and momentum in the new year.
This is the final part in the series so as a reminder, if you missed previous parts in the series, you'll find them here.
Before we get planning, there's something I want to share with you.
You may have already heard about The League of Impact Leaders...
The premier cohort is officially kicking off Wednesday, February 10th.
The group includes innovators and advocates - all folks who are deeply committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion work.
Honestly, this group is really fucking badass.
I don't want you to miss out on being in company with this amazing League cohort, and there are very few spaces remaining.
If you've been thinking about joining* The League of Impact Leaders, now is the time to book a consultation.
Because if you sign up for the cohort by Monday, February 1st, you'll receive a bonus gift.
*If cost keeping you from making moves, let me know and I will share payment plan options with you.
In this series of 5, we've covered these topics:
1. 2020 retrospective and gratitude
2. Hopes and goals for 2021
3. Identify your motivations and purpose
4. Planning + What you need to reach your goals
5. Visualize the future to make your goals come true (Today!)
Today is Part 5: Visualize the future to make your goals come true
For this activity, you need:
a notebook or paper (and your notes from prior weeks)
something to write with
a quiet place to focus
Art supplies like poster paper, colored pencils, glue, scissors
Optional: Magazines
Step one:
Find a quiet place to sit or lay down comfortably for 5-10 minutes.
Close your eyes if it feels safe to do so (after reviewing the next few steps 🤓)
Take a deep breath in on the count of 4 and exhale, slowly, to the count of 6. Do this 5 or more times.
As you feel comfortable, begin to imagine yourself at the end of this year, feeling so good.
Know that you have accomplished all of your 3-5 goals in this future place.
Notice all of your senses from that place - how it feels on your skin, what you smell, etc.
Step two:
Draw, paint, write, vision board, or collage what you saw in the future.
Keep this visible for yourself so you can be reminded of it through the year.
➡️Not sure where to start with a vision board? I like to flip through magazines and cut out anything that inspires, feels nice to look at, or represents that vision of the next year. Here's a deeper dive on how to get going from Oprah.
What did you see at the end of the year? What did you learn about what you need to get there?
If you're up for it, I would love to see your vision board. You can share it in a reply to this email or on Instagram and tag @juliafirestonecoaching.
If you finished all 5 weeks, email me a picture of your work for the chance to win a complimentary one-hour coaching session valued at over $400.
You got this.