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What if you don't know your purpose?

purpose shame Nov 14, 2022

 How would you define "purpose?"

And what if you're not sure what your purpose is?

If you're not sure, what emotions do you feel about not knowing your purpose?

For so many people who identify as "purpose-driven," it's easy to feel uncertain or ashamed if you're not sure what your purpose is.

Maybe you had a really clear purpose in the past, but your interests have shifted...

Or you're feeling energized and curious about multiple issues and you're not sure of where you fit in to make your biggest impact.

I've been there too.

Previously in my career, I knew that making quality education accessible was my purpose. 

I spent a lot of time and energy on that purpose - working directly with teachers and students, building coalitions of education and literacy leaders, and working on both the programming and funding sides of education projects around the world. 

So if I'm honest, I felt deeply inadequate when my enthusiasm for education started to wane...

It's not like I suddenly didn't care about education. 

It's just that I was seeing how the pieces fit together - like how labor organizing, climate justice, racial justice, and public health are all interconnected.

But it's taken me time, and the support of great coaches and communities to identify that my purpose is around serving the next generation of purpose-driven leaders and helping them be successful.


So this blog as a loving reminder for all of us that we're not alone and no, there is nothing wrong with us if we're not sure what our purpose is.


3 things we get wrong about purpose:

1. Everybody has a purpose

If you're reading this, you probably feel as though everyone should have a purpose. But if we widened the concept of purpose simply to "why we do things," I think we could all be much more generous with ourselves. 

The reason why you might want to do something could be due to your current needs - it's perfectly valid for your motivating why to be: "to pay rent," "to feel stable," "to try something new," "to have more time for my friends or family," or "I'm curious about it." 

Instead of thinking about a purpose (singular), what happens when you think about why you want to explore or do something? 

2. Purpose is static (you only get one)

You look around online and it seems like everyone has been hand-delivered an extremely clear mission that they are executing with immense effectiveness and ease. "BUT HOW DO THEY KNOW?!" you might wonder. A lot more people are faking it than you realize. Or tangled up in ethical knots feeling like they should be satisfied with the work they're doing and the purpose they focus on. 

Purpose is as simple as a goal or intention. You might have one really big one for many years, but it's pretty likely you'll have multiple goals or intentions throughout your life!

3. You have to build a career around purpose

You actually don't have to build ONE cohesive career. Nor does it need to be about one purpose.

The biggest challenge I see passionate social impact folks make is getting stuck and not making any moves because you're not clear on your purpose.  

It's enough to follow your curiosity and have a sense of "why" you want to do something but it doesn't have to be the "perfect" or only thing you ever do. 


Recently, I've started saying I'm "issue-agnostic and leadership-centric." Which feels right...for now. 😉 

I don't want you to feel shame or beat yourself up if you're not clear on your purpose.

That's why I'm hosting a free webinar this Wednesday, November 16th - Clarify your next career move.

I'll help you go from "I could do this job" to "Here's what I want to do."


Free Webinar: Clarify your next career move 

Wednesday, November 16th, 12-1pm EST

A 1-hour webinar to help social impact professionals reframe your career goals starting from your needs and purpose.

Sign up for free: